Learning to Virtual Schooling

Distance Learning to Virtual Schooling in Canada, being one of the top Online course facilitators, has significantly contributed to the rise of digital learning platforms. Suppose factors like the rise of technology and easy access to the internet and digital devices are not considered for a while. In that case, other crucial factors are responsible for the significant shift from traditional campus courses to online or hybrid learning.

To evaluate the impact of virtual learning platforms on the Canadian education system and understand the current landscape and choices of schooling in the country, we can start with the following pointers –

  • Today, most education institutions in Canada and its provinces offer at least some credit-based online learning courses. For instance, we can look at courses offered by schools in Ontario, including grade 12 English in Ontario, grade 12 university English, and more.
  • A noticeable growth in fully online enrollments has been witnessed over the last five years.
  • A majority of Canadian universities and colleges are adopting blended and hybrid learning.
  • Most of the secondary and post-secondary institutions in the country consider hybrid learning essential for the future.

To understand what led to the massive growth of distance or online learning courses within the Canadian education system, we will have to look at the factors that led to the rise of online or virtual learning modules.

The discussion below will focus on the presence of distance learning in the Canadian education system and how the onset of the 21st century led to the rise of a new mode of knowledge delivery.

Distance Learning to Virtual Schooling


Understanding the Historical Presence of Distance Virtual Learning

While we are looking at the education landscape in Canada, we must look at the history of distance learning in the country. When virtual learning emerged in the country’s education landscape in the early 1990s, there was a natural shift to the newly introduced mode. The Canadian distance education departments naturally moved into the new learning module.

In Canada and many parts of the USA, many provinces and states established public and large-grant universities with a mission to provide lifelong learning opportunities and not only simple on-campus education.

But interestingly, these institutions were offering distance education long before online learning appeared.  For instance –

  • Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, has already started correspondence-based distance education in the late 19th century, using the Royal Mounted Police to deliver packages to remote areas.
  • The University of British Columbia in Vancouver has offered distance education across the whole province since the 1930s.

The above insights reflect the presence of distance learning long before virtual learning transformed the pre-existing mode.

The Need for Lifelong Learning Leading the Rise of Virtual Learning in the Education Sector

When discussing the changed education landscape and the factors responsible for it, the education demand of the 21st century significantly impacts how education is prominently being facilitated.

These are the times of skill-based learning, research, and knowledge-based economy. When we expect a holistic education, educational institutions also need to hover on the fact that the learning should be future-oriented while meeting the current market needs. This generated the need for a system that fulfills the current high school or university education requirements and prepares students for a fluid global society.

Now, the question is, what are the requirements of the new generations and the global arena?

The answer comes as – Lifelong Learning.

To understand the needs of the generation and education requirements, the term lifelong learning comes into existence, which includes the following features –

  • Personal Growth
  • Career Advancement
  • Adaptability
  • Cognitive Health
  • Enhanced Social Connections
  • Improved Quality of Life

Understanding these features develops a clear view of what is required of education systems, which can be and is being facilitated by the advent of virtual learning.

The difference is visible when comparing the traditional and the new-age learning methods. What are the knowledge needs and the aspect that we want to and need to learn new things while finishing secondary school education becomes the motivation behind adopting digital methods.

After the introduction of the internet in the 1980s and 1990s, in different stages, the online education structure experienced rapid growth, given the increasing skill demand. It is not to be neglected that soon, the 21st century was going to mark its onset and to meet the needs of the new age, the traditional system proved insufficient, and thus, virtual schooling became the option.

Distance Learning to Virtual Schooling Conclusion

From the above discussion, Canada has a long history of providing distance learning choices, and the new learning needs of society and age have significantly contributed to increasing the popularity of online learning platforms in Ontario.

Further, the education sector faced a revolution due to the advancement in technology, easy access to the internet, and the growth of the learning needs of students to navigate the dynamics of the global market.

The Canadian education landscape has adopted changes over time to meet the needs of time and the digital age. Thus, the education system has promoted evolution to fit within the new times.

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